Neurology is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and muscles. Neurological conditions can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background. Some of the common neurological problems are headaches, epilepsy, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and neuropathy.
Our Specialists
Neurology Department at Marwari Hospitals
When looking for the best Neurology clinic in Guwahati, you should consider Marwari Hospitals, a multispeciality hospital that offers comprehensive and quality care for various neurological disorders.
The Department of Neurology at Marwari Hospitals, under the leadership of Dr. Nabajyoti Barkataky, an extensively experienced and highly qualified neurologist with more than two decades of expertise, is committed to providing specialized care. Dr Barkataky excels in handling intricate neurological cases, including acute stroke, epilepsy, dementia, movement disorders, and neuromuscular diseases. His proficiency and dedication ensure comprehensive and effective management of diverse neurological conditions within the hospital's framework.
The Department is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and technology, such as EEG, EMG, NCV, VEP, BERA, and SSEP, to diagnose and monitor various neurological conditions. Fully Equipped with a well-trained and compassionate team of nurses, technicians, and support staff, dedicated to ensuring that the patients receive the best possible care and comfort.
Marwari Hospitals is not only the best Neurology clinic in Guwahati, but also one of the most affordable and accessible ones. The hospital has a 24/7 emergency service, a well-stocked pharmacy, a blood bank, and a diagnostic center, all under one roof. The hospital also offers various schemes and packages for the patients, such as free consultations, discounts, and health check-ups.
How to Contact Marwari Hospitals for Neurology?
If you are looking for the best Neurology clinic in Guwahati, you should choose Marwari Hospitals, where you will get the best treatment, the best facilities, and the best value for your money. To book an appointment with Dr. Nabajyoti Barkataky, or to know more about the Department of Neurology, you can visit their website or call them at +91 7099066004 or +91 7099066013. You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter for the latest updates and news.
Marwari Hospitals - the best Neurology clinic in Guwahati, and the best choice for your neurological health.